About AA

General Information

Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. The Fellowship has adopted a policy of “cooperation but not affiliation” with other organizations concerned with the problem of alcoholism. We have no opinion on issues outside A.A. and neither endorse nor oppose any causes.

Additional A.A. General Information

The following links from A.A.’s General Service Office are additional resources that we hope you find helpful:

Current Membership: It is estimated that there are over 120,000 groups and over 2,000,000 members in approximately 180 countries.

How A.A. Members Maintain Sobriety: A.A. is a program of total abstinence. Members simply stay away from one drink, one day at a time. Sobriety is maintained through sharing experience, strength and hope at group meetings and through the suggested Twelve Steps for recovery from alcoholism. Reprinted from A.A. at a glance, F1, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

A.A. In Northeast Oklahoma

Northeast Oklahoma A.A. is the home of some 2,800 A.A. members in 130 A.A. groups, which comprise A.A.’s East Northeast and West Northeast Oklahoma Districts. A.A. Groups offer their message of hope in 65 Northeastern Oklahoma cities and towns, with multiple groups in the larger cities. In those larger cities, meetings are offered every day, and often at multiple times of day; morning, noon, late afternoon, and evening. Tulsa is home to some 75 A.A. groups with over 200 meetings each week.

The fellowship in the area is served by the Northeast Central Service office in Tulsa. The office serves as a central source of information for the public as well as for A.A. groups and members. It provides this website and a 24-hour hotline. It also provides a store where A.A. literature and other recovery items are available.

Individuals can contact Alcoholics Anonymous in NE Oklahoma by calling our 24-hour hotline at (918) 627-2224 or use the chat button in the bottom right corner of this page. A member of A.A. will answer directly (no answering service) and can answer questions, provide information about A.A., or arrange for a personal contact in A.A.

Times and locations of meetings can by found on the meetings page of this web-site or by calling the hot line.

How to Refer Clients to A.A.
Your clients can contact A.A. in NE Oklahoma by calling our 24-hour hot line at (918) 627-2224. We don’t use an answering service so you will always be directly connected to a member of A.A. who can answer questions, provide information about A.A., or arrange for a personal contact. Clients may also use our chat service by clicking the chat button on our website, aaneok.org. They will be connected with an A.A. member anonymously. Times and locations of meetings can be found on the meetings page of this web-site or by calling the hot line.

A.A. Central Office, 4833 S Sheridan Road Suite 410, Tulsa, OK 74135

A.A. Information for Media

Friendly support and cooperation from the media has been invaluable to A.A. in its efforts to carry its message of hope in Northeastern Oklahoma, the nation and beyond. We thank you.

Media Information About A.A.

Information for the media can be found on our General Service website’s media information page at www.aa.org. There you will find our A.A. Fact File, Video and Audio P.S.A.s and other information about A.A. for media use.

A.A. in Northeast OK

Northeast Oklahoma A.A. is the home of some 2,800 A.A. members in 130 A.A. groups in 65 Oklahoma cities and towns. For more detailed information scroll up a bit to see the local information section of this page.

Local Inquiries

Central Service Office
4833 S. Sheridan Rd. Suite 410
Tulsa, OK 74145
(918) 627-2224

A.A. Information for Professionals

Cooperation with the professional community is an objective of A.A., and has been since our beginnings. We are always seeking to strengthen and expand our communication with you, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. They help us to work more effectively with you in achieving our common purpose; to help the alcoholic who still suffers. Reprinted from If You Are A Professional, P-6, page 3 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Information for Professionals about A.A.
General information about A.A. can be found on A.A.’s General Service Office website, www.aa.org. The following links to that site may be most informative for professionals.

How A.A. can Cooperate
Our Cooperation with the Professional Community Committees are prepared to work with you or your clients toward our common goal of helping alcoholics achieve and maintain sobriety. The following are just some of the ways we can work with you:

  • Provide additional information on A.A. for you, or for you to pass on to your clients.
  • Make brief, informational presentations about A.A. to groups of professionals or clients.
  • Talk with clients, and possibly arrange to take them to their first meeting, or meet them there personally.
  • Arrange to take you, or meet you at an open meeting of A.A. so that you can get a better sense of what we are about.

We also have committees on Corrections Facilities and Treatment Facilities that will be happy to work with professionals in those fields.

A.A. Meetings

The NECS service area has hundreds of meetings each week. Some are online and some are in person. Each meeting is different. Every meeting you attend will have people who uttered those words: “I can’t stop drinking.”  We suggest attending a variety of meetings while you are trying to decide if A.A. is for you.