Central Service is dependent on the Fellowship for its financial health. Sharing the financial cost that it takes to provide NECS services for our area is simply the most straightforward way for a group to be self supporting! Many groups make monthly or quarterly contributions to NECS. Does your group have funds on hand above a prudent reserve? A contribution is a way to put that money to work carrying the message. Your treasurer can contribute online, mail, or bring your contribution by the office.
NECS is dependent on groups and members for financial support. Of course you can help out at anytime by contributing online, or by sending your contribution to the office. Many members make regular contributions by becoming ” Faithful Fivers“, or through the “Birthday Plan“, or both. “Faithful Fivers” make a commitment to contribute $5.00 each month. For the “Birthday Plan”, a member makes a contribution on his or her AA Birthday, customarily one dollar per year of sobriety. To make a commitment, call or stop by the office.