Support NECS

How Can I Support NECS?

NECS could not provide the services it provides to the A.A. community in Tulsa without the generous support of our members.  This page contains many of the ways in which members can help us support our mission.

This is the best and most useful way to support Central Service, to be a part of carrying the message. NECS has only two part-time staff, almost all its service is done by volunteers. It is volunteers who answer the phones, take 12-step calls, talk to an alcoholic in need of help, file, mail and many other things. It is a great way to experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from being of service! For a more detailed description of these volunteer opportunities click here. Or if you are ready to volunteer, then fill out the NECS Volunteer Form either online, or by downloading and printing the paper form. Or simply drop by the office and hang out for a while. They will put you to work.

Central Service is dependent on the Fellowship for its financial health. Sharing the financial cost that it takes to provide NECS services for our area is simply the most straightforward way for a group to be self supporting! Many groups make monthly or quarterly contributions to NECS. Does your group have funds on hand above a prudent reserve? A contribution is a way to put that money to work carrying the message. Your treasurer can contribute online, mail, or bring your contribution by the office.

NECS is dependent on groups and members for financial support. Of course you can help out at anytime by contributing online, or by sending your contribution to the office. Many members make regular contributions by becoming ” Faithful Fivers“, or through the “Birthday Plan“, or both. “Faithful Fivers” make a commitment to contribute $5.00 each month. For the “Birthday Plan”, a member makes a contribution on his or her AA Birthday, customarily one dollar per year of sobriety. To make a commitment, call or stop by the office.

Elect a Central Service Representative (CSR) to NECS.
Your CSR serves as your link with the Central Service Office. As a part of the Board of Delegates that guides Central Service and elects its board, your group’s voice will be a part of the group conscience of NECS. And your CSR can bring news to your group on NECS’s services, financial status, events, etc. When you name a new CSR, be sure to let the office know the contact information. Simply use the online form, or print and mail the paper form, or just stop by the office.

Central Service sells both Conference approved and non-A.A. approved literature (books, pamphlets, posters, etc.) as well as Grapevine publications at cost plus a small markup to help support the office. So each time your group purchases literature, or other special items it helps to support the office.

A.A. Meetings

The NECS service area has hundreds of meetings each week. Some are online and some are in person. Each meeting is different. Every meeting you attend will have people who uttered those words: “I can’t stop drinking.”  We suggest attending a variety of meetings while you are trying to decide if A.A. is for you.