Northeast Central Service

Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in Northeast Oklahoma

About Northeast Central Service

What Is NECS?
NECS Office Entrance

Northeast Central Service Inc. operates a central office in Tulsa to provide services for Alcoholics Anonymous members and groups in Northeast Oklahoma. It was created to provide a variety of services which are not practical for an individual A.A. group to provide. It provides assistance to alcoholics and others interested in or affected by the disease of alcoholism, receives inquiries regarding Alcoholics Anonymous, and provides a source of information to the public about alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous.

Northeast Central Service is supported by contributions from A.A. groups and members, as well as by a small markup on the literature and merchandise purchased in the office or online. No contributions are accepted from non-A.A. sources.

NECS is responsible to, and takes direction from, the A.A. Groups it serves; always guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous.

What Does NECS Do?

Of all the services provided by A.A.’s Northeast Oklahoma Central Service, answering the phone is surely one of the most important. Our office receives approximately 5,000 calls a year – to arrange for still-suffering alcoholics to receive 12-step calls, provide directions to a meetings or answer general questions about A.A. When the office closes for the day, volunteers answer the phone from homes or on-the-go with their cell phone, allowing us to have a 24-hour hotline.

NECS Office Interior
NECS Office Interior

Our central office provides this website as a source of information for A.A. members and others.  This website is visited approximately 3000 times per month.

The Northeast Oklahoma Central Service Office publishes the online and printed Meeting Directories. We stock A.A. and Grapevine books and literature (conference approved and otherwise), along with an assortment of recovery related items for the convenience of both groups and individuals. We house a collection of newsletters and flyers covering recovery related events from far and near.

Alcoholics Anonymous Northeast Oklahoma Central Service Office acts like a hub on a wheel connecting Alcoholics Anonymous Groups in a centralized way. The office functions in a variety of ways to help serve the A.A. community including passing along public information requests, providing pamphlets for cooperation with professionals, making one-to-one connections for treatment and Bridge the Gap programs, and displaying archive materials in the office.

On any given day, the office serves as a visitor center for out-of-towners, a starting point for newcomers, or fills an order for group supplies and individuals. The coffee pot is always on. Stop in and visit.

How It Works

Each group is served by an elected Northeast Central Service Representative. These group appointed Representatives collectively form a House of Representative, each voting their group’s conscience at the quarterly Northeast Central Service Representatives meetings. The Representatives elect and guide a Board of Trustees of Northeast Central Service (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, five (5) Board Members and three (3) Alternate Board Members as well as the Chairperson of each District). The Board oversees the Northeast Central Service Office operations, including its volunteers and staff. From the top down, it’s the group conscience of each level making decisions.

For more detail see:

For more information, look over these pamphlets:

These pamphlets are also available at…you guessed it…your Alcoholics Anonymous Northeast Central Service Office!

In short, our A.A. Northeast Central Service Office is a business like the General Service Office in New York, only a lot smaller. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation registered with the State of Oklahoma since November 7, 1969. As a business, A.A. Northeast Central Service Office is governed not only by the applicable laws of the land, but by the Traditions and Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Is Central Service a part of A.A.?

Northeast Central Service is a “service center” as referred to in Tradition 8 –“Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” Other such service centers include G.S.O., the A.A. Grapevine, A.A. World Services, and many clubhouses. What they have in common is that they are responsible to the A.A. groups and members they serve (See Tradition 9). They have no purpose but to serve the individuals and groups that support them.

Thus, while not a part of the formal service structure consisting of Districts, Areas, etc., it does provide critical services to A.A. and is very much a part of A.A. in NE Oklahoma.

How can my group participate? How can I help?

Northeast Central Service is entirely dependent on the A.A. groups and individuals for its continuing operation. Your group can participate by selecting a NECS Representative to represent the group. It can also support the office financially through its contributions, and by filling its literature needs there. And finally, it can encourage its members to contribute by volunteering.

As an A.A. member, first and foremost, you can support NECS by volunteering. While NECS has two part-time staff workers, most of the services are provided by volunteers; taking the phones, taking 12 step calls, helping in the office etc. You can also support the office financially with regular contributions, or by participating in the “Faithful Fivers” program.

For more information, see our Support NECS page.

Come And Visit A While!